Zee Grill Toronto

Zee Grill, Toronto 641 Mount Pleasant Rd - Toronto

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Menu Zee Grill

  • White Wine‎‎
    • Chenin Blanc, Dry Creek
    • Trebbiano, Collefrisio
    • Assyrtiko, Gaia
    • Rose, Grand Moulin
    • Pinot Grigio, Peter Zemmer
  • Red Wine‎‎
    • Pinot Noir, Mud House
    • Pinot Noir, Kawarau
    • Pinot Noir, Rodney Strong
    • Pinot Noir, Trumpour's Mill
    • Phantom, Bogle
    • Champagne & Sparkling
    • Henkell Trocken Piccolo
    • Henkell Trocken
    • Veuve Clicquot Brut
    • Veuve Clicquot Brut 375 Ml
  • . . .
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Ratings of Zee Grill

Last update on 09/08/2023
307 Reviews


Last update on 08/06/2023
126 Reviews
Last update on 17/11/2022
835 Reviews
Last update on 17/11/2022
1 Reviews


Last update on 17/11/2022
363 Reviews


Susie Hartkorn
A great place for seafood! I had the fish special and it was delicious. The cod was perfectly done. For appetizers, the smoke trout was amazing. The calamari was yummy as well. The crab cakes were also tasty and had a bit of kick to it. Overall, the food was great and the staff were awesome.
Mar 12, 2018
You Gonna Eat That?
Took a friend here tonight. Walked in, pleasant greeting and relaxed 'sit wherever you like' motion. No arrogance. friendly staff. Our server Brad was very well versed in all the food and helped with dinner suggestions when asked. Hit the mark every time! Oyster starters, Ceviche, taco samplers, halibut, mushrooms. Top notch. My steak I wasn't incredibly impressed with. (I went on my own with this) Although decent enough not to leave any behind, I wouldn't order it again. Everything else though, without a doubt!
Couldn't get enough of the ceviche.
Will most certainly return to this platz!
Thx guys
Oct 07, 2016
I've been trying to write this review for a while and every time I get started, I have to stop cuz I've never been sure what I think of the place. Is it nice inside? Yes. Is the menu appealing? Uh-huh. Yup. Food good? Definitely. Then why is it so hard to review?

I finally figured it out. The front makes you feel so thankful for letting you in, seating you, and serving you that by the end you feel the place is better than it actually is. I'll definitely go back any day of the week, but this is a classic case of the front staff ruining it for the kitchen. I know I always say it's all about the food, but how one is treated tends to leave a more permanent taste in one's mouth than the flavour profiles one consumes. We can do without the indifference from a greeter who was ready to seat walk-ins ahead of us (we had reservations) or the dry sarcasm of the wait staff. With so many choices in the city, I'm not running back to re-live the "ok" experience. The saving grace is the food.

Started with the chowder and the plateau. Right off the bat, double winners. The plateau is a selection of chilled seafood served on two tiers. Everything on it was just right. Not a miss. Too bad it took over 30 minutes to make it to our table. In fairness, it was a busy Saturday night, but if you want to compete with the best in the city for our high end dining dollars, "busy night" should be a phrase absent from your vocabulary.

Moving on, steamed lobster gets the triple gold star. Next time I'm back, this is going to be a double order for me. Right up there with the best in Halifax or Boston. Also ordered the steak frites, which was the most interesting presentation I've ever seen and the taste was memorable. Again, too bad it came a good 30 minutes after the starters were removed. It's not the delays that got me, but the attitude that by refilling my diet coke "on the house" it made up for the unaccounted hour of waiting. Thanks. I'll pay for the extra fizzy aspertane if you promise not to make more promises that my food will be right out and then avoid me the rest of the night.

Of it wasn't for the game of cat and mouse with the front staff, this rating could have been a solid 4.5.
Jun 07, 2015
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05:30 AM - 09:30 PM
05:30 AM - 09:30 PM
05:30 AM - 10:00 PM
05:30 AM - 10:00 PM
05:30 AM - 10:00 PM

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ZEE GRILL, TORONTO - 641 Mount Pleasant Rd - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 88 based on 1802 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +1 416-484-6428



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