Bombay Sweet House Calgary

Bombay Sweet House, Calgary B8255 Castleridge Blvd NE - Calgary

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Ratings of Bombay Sweet House

Last update on 08/08/2023
429 Reviews


Last update on 09/06/2023
15 Reviews
Last update on 07/10/2020
57 Reviews


Last update on 29/09/2020
3 Reviews


Best butter chicken. I went there last month they renovate the place it looks very nice inside food and service is awesome
Nov 25, 2014
Adequately satisfying for the bucks you pay. I have visited Bombay sweet house(NE) three times in the past 2 months. When I first moved in the North east , i wanted to check out all Indian restaurants as I am a fan of samosas and i absolutely need to have a "Best Samosa" place to go for quick snacking. After having samosas from Samosa factory located in the same campus as the Bombay sweet house, I thought why not try at a different place. My first opinion of the samosa at the Bombay sweet house is this - the filling is very tasty and samosas are prepared hot only when u order (compared to samosa factory where most of the times there is a batch of samosas already on display), it is marginally better than the samosa @samosa factory.

when i was waiting for my samosa , i looked at the take out menu which encouraged me to order fish pakoras too. I took the steaming samosas and fish pakoras(this takes longer) and relished them with chutney, an evening well spent.
On a lazy sunday afternoon i decided to eat out instead of cook and ended up @ Bombay sweet house. First things first - the buffet spread is really good if you can choose wisely what to eat, fish pakoras in the buffet are a must have and so is chick pea salad with the green mint chutney and sweet tamarind chutney, yummmm after waking my taste buds with these appetizers , i moved on to the tandoori chicken- this is ok (not too great).
at 12.99 , the buffet is a value for money only if you pick wisely. in main dishes butter chicken is really good although my personal preference is to minimize salt in my diet so i found the butter chicken too salty.

The naan is freshly prepared only after you are seated at the table and it is reaaaaaally good. watch out for the lamb curry , which smells and tastes awesome but the meat feels undercooked. I also enjoyed Dal makhani and shahi paneer among the veggie dishes. I wrapped off my meal with custard and fruit which was just the right amount of sugar and please me very much. overall a 3.5 out of 5 rating for this restaurant if you are having buffet/ samosas.
Jun 02, 2014
Rene Roy
This place used to be "hit and miss" with being just OK to somewhat disappointing. now they have renovated and completely changed their food. the atmosphere has greatly improved and the food is a thousand times better!! i truly hope they keep it up with the food quality, because i was blown away and intend on going there more regularly now. only problem i had was, how they got all these nice brand new tables set with new cutlery wrapped niceely in new cloth napkins and there was still hardened puddles of sauce still on the table. I would think that they would want to clean off the table properly before setting it so nicely.
Mar 30, 2014
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11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
11:00 AM - 02:00 AM

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BOMBAY SWEET HOUSE, CALGARY - B8255 Castleridge Blvd NE - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 73 based on 564 parameters and reviews

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