Noodle Express Winnipeg

Noodle Express, Winnipeg 180 King St - Winnipeg

• Asian
• Sit down

Recommended by 2 people
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87 /100
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Menu Noodle Express

  • Popular Items
    • 18. Pork Dumplings
    • 1. Shrimp Dumplings
    • 42. Deep Fried Shrimp Dumplings
    • 6. Seafood Dumpling
    • 14. Eggplant in Black Bean Garlic Sauce
  • Appetizers
    • E01. Pan Fried Pork Dumplings
    • E03. Spring Rolls
    • E06. Dough Fritters
    • E07. Deep Fried Doughnut
    • E08. Hot & Sour Soup
  • Dim Sum
    • 1. Shrimp Dumplings
    • 10. Golden Buns
    • 11. Leek & Pork Buns
    • 12. Deep Fried Shrimp Rolls
    • 13. Stuffed Green Peppers in Black Bean Sauce
  • . . .
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Ratings of Noodle Express

Last update on 09/08/2023
470 Reviews
Last update on 09/08/2023
26 Reviews


Last update on 09/08/2023
4 Reviews


Last update on 08/06/2023
33 Reviews
Last update on 15/11/2022
1 Reviews


My favourite dimsum restaurant. I’ve tried almost every dimsum restaurant in the city, and been to other dimsum restaurants in other cities, and nothing beats this place! It might not be the fanciest restaurant, but it’s been there for years! Some dimsum restaurants have closed, but they’re still here. They even took over the restaurant that closed right across them! It’s all about the food quality, their dimsum never cheaped out on quality. The siomai for example, has never downgraded, it’s still stacked with pork, unlike other dimsum places where they add all sorts of stuff like mushrooms and onion and green peas on their siomai to make it look bigger, but the content is cheaper!

You can never beat their prices here too. You might not pay for the ambience of the restaurant, but you get the worth and value of your money from the food!

I also like their egg noodle soup variety.

And most of all, the people are friendly and nice. Some dimsum restaurants have very rude staff. But this family that owns this restaurant are very down to earth! It’s a Winnipeg gem!
10 months ago
Fat Bunny
Hole in the wall, need key to access washroom outside and down the hall. AND excellent dim sum, duck and beef rice noodles! As a Chinese, totally what I expect from a place that knows how to cook! Service is inadequate if you don't speak Cantonese. Great classic Chinatown experience. Parking is challenging.
Jul 03, 2018
Go here if you want the best tasting dim sum that made fresh to order! This place is a hidden gem.

The traditional dim sum comes through with carts but typically those foods aren't fresh and just sit there until someone picks it.

I always go here and just find other places don't match up including the ones in the area. I've also been to Vancouver and toronto and it's not the same. Especially their eggplant and stuff green peppers.

They have the best fried rice, sweet and sour soups and noodle soups. Everything is cooked to perfection.

The service is fast and efficient. The ladies are so sweet here!
Sep 10, 2017
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The Chef reccomend

NOODLE EXPRESS, WINNIPEG - 180 King St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 87 based on 1706 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +1 204-943-9760



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Based on 1706 ratings and reviews

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