They put lots of fillings in your sub- they certainly don't skimp- it's great! Went at a fairly busy time, 3 people working, didn't seem as organized as some subways I've been to, so a little slower than average, but still ok.
Subway is always in my top favorite's
but the prices ?!! I understand that just trying to survive like the rest of us (grocery bills nowadays are just rediculous & it keeps rising , nothing seems to be going back down and who knows if our prices will ever go back down) , but come on ! Subway doesn't even have "sub of the day" deal anymore
I will forever love Subway
But I am starting to refrain from going unless someone else I have a coupon or something - even still, the coupons your not saving much at all
This is at all Subways around Ontario, Im not trying to just attack one
Like I said ^^^^^ ♥️♥️♥️ you're still in my top favorite's 🤤
Always our go to spot for lunch during the week. Love teasing Jenn and Tammy. For some reason Tammy always has Lay's Chips but Jenn doesn't. Weird. Awesome place!
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