Reviews Basil Garden Pho

Ever since we discovered Basil Garden almost 3 years ago, we have never looked back. In fact, I think it is probably our most visited restaurant due to how close and delicious it is! Since I only wrote about the first visit 2.5 years ago and we come here at least once a month, I figured that warranted a re-visit post on this spectacular hidden gem.

15 days ago
Steve Whalls
Video review on youtube: vancity food crew basil garden pho
I tried this place with a friend, and another friend recommended the pork bone broth noodle soup. It was delicious, like a hybrid ramen/pho dish. They also do regular beef pho, but my friend got the dry version of what I got with rice and egg noodles. It was only $10, good portion, will return.
Dec 04, 2018
Jennie Yuen
Small place but cozy. Parking is tight, but I usually park along the street instead. I love the food here. Everything is tastey. The noodle soup broth is amazing. I usually order the Chicken Pho. There’s plenty if meat.
Nov 20, 2017
good service, clean environment,ordered basil drink and chicken sub in this summer. Would come to try fried chicken wings and noodle soup with friend next time.
May 22, 2017
Maggi Mei
My visit came as a recommendation from “Flyingvee967”. A newer Vietnamese restaurant that was actually in my old neighbourhood in East Van. A restaurant he liked enough to go back to a couple of times, and one many might not stop at given its location. A little plaza with a couple of other restaurants on the corner of Broadway and Renfrew. I had past by it a few times, but never thought enough of it, to venture in. Not until Victor’s praise for it and it’s owner.
Nov 24, 2016
Beef stew noodles, spring rolls and the skewers were really really good. Definitely a perfect 5/7. Pho broth was clear but still flavourful - less oily then it usually is. Will be back! :) Service accommodated our group of 13 really well.
Nov 07, 2016
Basil Garden Pho has been open just 4 months but the family has been in the restaurant business since the 90's. The unassuming exterior opens into a bright, clean, modern, newly renovated space close to Renfrew Skytrain Station just a couple blocks down the street. Weekday lunch is usually so busy that they are not able to take reservations, although larger groups could try an 11.30am or 11.45am reservation. Evenings and weekends are calmer, presumably because the nearby college and commercial buildings are less populated.
Oct 03, 2016
Sunny Wong
Basil Garden Restaurant (新一代的越式餐廳)

近年溫哥華開始出現一些由年輕人經營的小餐館或由下一代接管的家庭式老餐館,這類餐館的最大特色是裝修新穎又有時代感,經營方式也跟傳統老一輩的截然不同,突破大家過往對這些餐館的固有印象。例如在溫哥華東區Main Street上一家經營接近三分一個世紀的老牌越南餐館「Pho Hoang煌記牛肉粉」由子女接手後改名為“Anh and Chi”的新派越南餐廳,新食肆走的是新派越菜路線,無論在室內設計、餐牌以至餐點款式都有別於傳統越南菜館的模式。而今天介紹這家越式餐廳Basil Garden則屬於年輕一代經營的小餐館。

Basil Garden在2016年6月才開業,店面外觀沒有驚喜但當你踏進餐館後却會眼前一亮,清新雅潔的環境充滿大自然的感覺,店內使用大量綠色植物的擺設和裝飾,跟傳統的越式餐館概念來個大翻身。我更欣賞店家衛生間的設備,自動感應開啟燈光、皂液以及乾手機等都配合環保的概念,在小餐館而言實屬少見。加上桌前的餐具醬料也異常整潔,讓人感覺上會吃得安心很多!

#8 House Special combination of Beef with Rice Noodle in Soup $10 (3.5/5分)
店家的河粉分兩個價錢,medium $9/ large $10。湯底清澈沒有過油亦相當濃郁好喝,吃後沒有味精的感覺,至於配料方面比我慣常光顧的一家鴻記越南牛肉粉 Pho Hong起碼少一半以上,但後者的湯底比較油膩

#29 Lemongrass Chicken, Shredded Pork and Egg Meatloaf on Rice $11 (3/5分)

#40 Spring Rolls, Grilled Pork Patti and Pork Skewers with Vermicelli $12 (3.5/5分)
Sep 25, 2016
Kit Yee Y.
This is a very unusual contemporary pho restaurant with such a bright and clean interior design. By looking at the exterior design, we would think that it was a old traditional pho place until we stepped into the restaurant.

We ordered dry noodles tossed in house special sauce with rice noodles and soup served on the side. The bowl of dry noodles was smaller than the ones we had at other pho places, but its quality was good. We also ordered vermicelli salad bowl with spring rolls, shredded pork and grilled pork skewer. There were two grilled pork skewers. Again the portion of the pork on the skewers was quite small comparing other pho places, but the quality was good and there were many spring rolls in the bowl. The soup that should come with the dry noodles arrived late. It didn't come until we almost finished the dry noodles.

Pricing was reasonable and the customer service was good. When we arrived at 6pm, there were less customers but when it was after 6:30pm or before 7pm, more people walked into the restaurant.

There were some parking stalls in front of the restaurant or in the same complex. If the parking stalls were full, people could look for street parking.

Overall eating experience here was above average.
Jul 14, 2016
Iven Tse
Awesome place! It just opened a month ago, and I am glad my family came tonight. The premises are clean, bright, and fresh; the broth for the pho was clear and flavourful, with little grease and oil; the pho noodles fresh and "el dente" to borrow from Italian; the service police courteous and fast, the tendon and brisket flavourful and tender. Will definitely recommend this place!
Jul 08, 2016
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