Goberge, concombre, avocat, masago et sésame.
/ Pollock, cucumber, avocado, masago and sesame.
6.5 $
Boulette de pieuvre, flocons de Bonito et mayo. / Octopus dumpling, Bonito flakes and mayo.
5.5 $
Assortiment de maki (33 mcx)
/ Assortment of maki (33 pcs)
Douze morceaux de hosomaki, quinze morceaux de futomaki et six maki spécial. / Twelve pieces of hosomaki, fifteen pieces of futomaki and six special maki.
32 $
Hosomaki à l'avocat / Avocado Hosomaki
4.55 $
Futomaki de maki tempura
/ Futomaki from Maki Tempura
Crevettes tempura, avocat, concombre et masago.
/ Shrimp tempura, avocado, cucumber and masago.
Anguille, goberge, concombre, tempura, avocat et masago. /Eel, pollock, cucumber, tempura, avocado and masago.
7.25 $
Futomaki de maki tempura
/ Futomaki from Maki Tempura
Crevettes tempura, avocat, concombre et masago.
/ Shrimp tempura, avocado, cucumber and masago.
5.45 $
Futomaki aux deux saumons
/ Two Salmon Futomaki
Saumon, saumon fumé, avocat, sesame et Tobiko.
/ Salmon, smoked salmon, avocado, sesame and Tobiko.
7.5 $
Les assortiments B-38
/ The B-38 Assortments
Boîte (16 mcx)
/ Box (16 pcs)
Six morceaux de hosomaki et dix morceaux de futomaki. / Six pieces of hosomaki and ten pieces of futomaki.
15.95 $
Boîte (19 mcx)
/ Box (19 pcs)
Six morceaux de hosomaki, dix morceaux de futomaki et trois nigiri. / Six pieces of hosomaki, ten pieces of futomaki and three nigiri.
18.95 $
Assortiment de maki et nigiri (32 mcx)
/ Assortment of maki and nigiri (32 pcs)
Dix morceaux de futomaki, six maki spécial, douze morceaux de hosomaki et quatre nigiri. / Ten pieces of futomaki, six special maki, twelve pieces of hosomaki and four nigiri.
33 $
Assortiment de maki (33 mcx)
/ Assortment of maki (33 pcs)
Douze morceaux de hosomaki, quinze morceaux de futomaki et six maki spécial. / Twelve pieces of hosomaki, fifteen pieces of futomaki and six special maki.