Dinesty Dumpling House menù, Burnaby
Dinesty Dumpling House Burnaby - Menu
Popular Items
Steamed Pork Soup Dumpling (8 pcs) 小籠湯包
Original Price 原價 $8.50
5.95 $
Shanghai Fried Noodles with Pork / Chicken 上海粗炒麵 (豬/雞)
Original Price 原價 $13.95
9.78 $
Pan Fried Pork Pot Sticker (6 pcs) 豬肉鍋貼
Original Price 原價 $7.50
5.25 $
Spicy Beef Noodle Soup 牛肉麵
Cannot adjust spicyness, 辣度不能改 Original Price 原價 $10.95
7.67 $
Pan Fried Marinated Beef Wraps (4) 大餅夾牛肉
6.95 $
Pan Fried Pork Buns (3) 生煎包
4.5 $
Fried Rice with Shrimp, Vegetable and Ham 楊州炒飯
Original Price 原價 $13.95
9.78 $
Shrimp & Pork Shaomai (6) 蝦仁燒賣
8.95 $
Spicy String Beans with Minced Pork 乾扁四季豆
Original Price 原價 $15.95
11.17 $
Stewed Eggplant with Shredded Pork in Hakka Sauce 客家茄子
Original Price 原價$14.95
10.47 $
30% off Bento Box + Drink 七折便當+飲料
Camphor Smoke Tea Duck Bento Box 樟茶鴨便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Garlic Beef Steak Bento Box 蒜香菲力便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
GongBao Shrimp Bento Box 宮保蝦仁便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Gongbao Chicken Bento Box 宮保雞丁便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Salt & Pepper Pork Chop Bento Box 椒鹽豬排便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Salted Chicken Bento Box 鹽焗雞便當
Cold Chicken 雞是冷的 便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Shredded Beef with Green Onion & Soy Sauce Bento Box 蔥爆牛肉便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Shredded Pork with Chili Pepper Bento Box 紅椒肉絲便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Simmer Chicken with Basil & Triple Sauce Bento Box 三杯雞便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Slice Beef with Bell Pepper & Onion 豉椒牛肉便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Spicy Basa Fillet Bento Box 豆瓣魚片便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Spicy Shredded Pork Bento Box 魚香肉絲便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Spicy Squid Bento Box 魚香花枝便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Stir Fried Shrimp, Scallop & Squid Bento Box 炒三鮮便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
Sweet & Sour Basa Fillet Bento Box 糖醋魚片便當
便當 & 飲料調味無法更改 Taste of the Bento Box & Drink CANNOT ADJUST Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
14.5 $
30% off Items 七折優惠商品
Deep Fried Chicken (4 pcs) 炸雞
Original Price 原價 $12.50
8.75 $
Steamed Pork Soup Dumpling (8 pcs) 小籠湯包
Original Price 原價 $8.50
5.95 $
Pan Fried Pork Pot Sticker (6 pcs) 豬肉鍋貼
Original Price 原價 $7.50
5.25 $
Chive & Pork Dumpling (10 pcs) 韭菜豬肉水餃
Original Price 原價 $8.95
6.27 $
Cabbage & Pork Dumpling (10 pcs) 白菜豬肉水餃
Original Price 原價 $8.95
6.27 $
Fried Rice with Shrimp, Vegetable and Ham 楊州炒飯
Original Price 原價 $13.95
9.78 $
Shanghai Fried Noodles with Pork / Chicken 上海粗炒麵 (豬/雞)
Original Price 原價 $13.95
9.78 $
Spicy Beef Noodle Soup 牛肉麵
Cannot adjust spicyness, 辣度不能改 Original Price 原價 $10.95
7.67 $
Soft Tofu with Spicy Meat Sauce 麻婆豆腐
Original Price 原價$13.95
9.78 $
Ancient Boiled Chili Beef 水煮牛肉
Original Price 原價 $17.95
12.57 $
Stewed Eggplant with Shredded Pork in Hakka Sauce 客家茄子
Original Price 原價$14.95
10.47 $
Spicy String Beans with Minced Pork 乾扁四季豆
Original Price 原價 $15.95
11.17 $
Stir Fried Squid & Celery 西芹炒鮮魷
Original Price 原價 $16.95
11.87 $
Simmer Chicken & Chestnut in Brown Sauce 栗子雞煲
Original Price 原價 $16.95
11.87 $
Scramble Egg with Shrimp and Green Onion 蝦仁炒蛋
Original Price 原價 $11.95
8.37 $
Garlic Beef Steak Bento Box 蒜香菲力便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Gongbao Chicken Bento Box 宮保雞丁便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Salt & Pepper Pork Chop Bento Box 椒鹽豬排便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Stir Fried Shrimp, Scallop & Squid Bento Box 炒三鮮便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Sweet & Sour Basa Fillet Bento Box 糖醋魚片便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Shredded Pork with Chili Pepper Bento Box 紅椒肉絲便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Shredded Beef with Green Onion & Soy Sauce Bento Box 蔥爆牛肉便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Spicy Shredded Pork Bento Box 魚香肉絲便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Spicy Squid Bento Box 魚香花枝便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Salted Chicken Bento Box 鹽焗雞便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
GongBao Shrimp Bento Box 宮保蝦仁便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Camphor Smoke Tea Duck Bento Box 樟茶鴨便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Spicy Basa Fillet Bento Box 豆瓣魚片便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Simmer Chicken with Basil & Triple Sauce Bento Box 三杯雞便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Slice Beef with Bell Pepper & Onion with Bell Pepper & Onion 豉椒牛肉便當
調味無法更改 CANNOT ADJUST Taste Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
10.15 $
Spicy Beef Noodle Soup Set 牛肉麵套餐
Spicy Level cannot adjust 辣度不能更改
12.92 $
Appetizer / 小菜
Cold Cucumbers in Garlic Sauce / 涼拌小黃瓜
Cannot modify Spicy level 辣度不能調
6.95 $
Cold Wined Boneless Chicken / 花雕醉雞
7.95 $
Cold Jelly Fish on Cucumber / 脆瓜海蜇頭
8.5 $
Vegetable & Pork Wontons with Hot & Sour Sauce / 紅油菜肉餛飩
Spicy level: none/ mild / regular/ extra 辣度: 不辣 / 小辣 / 正常 / 大辣
7.95 $
Wontons with Hot & Sour Sauce / 紅油炒手
Spicy level: none/ mild / regular/ extra 辣度: 不辣 / 小辣 / 正常 / 大辣
6.95 $
Stricky Pork in Garlic Soy Sauce / 蒜泥白肉
6.95 $
Preserved Pork Slices / 水晶肴肉
7.95 $
Deep-Fried Tofu Pudding in Garlic Sauce / 老皮嫩肉
6.5 $
Black Fungus Marinated with Wasabi 芥末拌黑木耳
6.95 $
Cold Suzhou Fried Fish 蘇式燻魚
7.95 $
Deep Fried Bean Curd Mushroom Roll 素鵝
8.95 $
Deep Fried Ribbon Fish 干煎帶魚
9.5 $
Honey Lotus Root 桂花冰糖蓮藕
7.95 $
Kao-Fu with Stewed Mushrooms & Peanuts 四喜烤麩
Contains Peanut Ingredient 含有花生成分
6.95 $
Spicy Beef Tendon 麻辣牛筋
Spicy level: none/ mild / regular/ extra 辣度: 不辣 / 小辣 / 正常 / 大辣
8.5 $
Spicy Pig Ear 麻辣豬耳
Cannot modify Spicy level 辣度不能調
6.95 $
Stewed Duck Leg in Brown Sauce 醬鴨
7.95 $
Tofu & Preserved Egg in Soy Sauce 皮蛋豆腐
6.95 $
Rice / 飯
Fried Rice with Shrimps, Vegetables & Hams / 揚州炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Beef & XO Sauce / XO醬牛肉炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Shredded Pork, Chicken or Beef/炒飯 (肉絲/雞肉/牛肉)
12.95 $
Fried Rice with Vegetables, Salted Pork & Chinese Sausages/招牌菜飯
12.95 $
Spicy Fried Rice with Seafood & Shredded Pork / 海陸辣炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Shrimps / 蝦仁炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Sakura Shrimps / 櫻花蝦炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Baked Salmon / 鮭魚炒飯
13.95 $
Fried Rice with Deep Fried Pork Chop / 排骨炒飯
14.95 $
Fried Rice with Dry Scallops & Egg White / 瑤柱蛋白炒飯
13.95 $
Dumpling / 點心
Steamed Pork Soup Dumplings (8) 小籠湯包
8.5 $
Steamed Crab Meat & Pork Soup Dumplings (8) 蟹黃小籠湯包
13.95 $
Steamed XO Sauce & Pork Soup Dumplings (8) XO醬小籠湯包
8.95 $
Baked Radish Slice Cake (3) 蘿蔔絲餅
4.95 $
Steamed Fish Dumplings (8) 鮮魚蒸餃
8.95 $
Steamed Vegetable & Pork Dumplings (8) 菜肉蒸餃
8.95 $
Shrimp & Pork Shaomai (6) 蝦仁燒賣
8.95 $
Pan-Fried Shrimp & Pork Pot Stickers (6) 蝦肉鍋貼
8.95 $
Deep Fried Vegetarian Spring Rolls (3) 三絲春卷
4.5 $
Fried Screw-Bruns w/ Condensed Milk (4) 炸螺絲卷
3.95 $
Pan Fried Beef Dumplings (2) 牛肉餡餅
4.75 $
Pan Fried Chinese Green Onion Pancake蔥油餅
5.95 $
Pan Fried Chive Dumpling (2) 韭菜煎餅
4.25 $
Pan Fried Marinated Beef Wraps (4) 大餅夾牛肉
6.95 $
Pan Fried Pork Buns (3) 生煎包
4.5 $
Pan Fried Pork Pot Sticker (6) 豬肉鍋貼
7.5 $
Steamed Chinese Toon Buns 香椿素菜包
4.5 $
Steamed Screw-Buns w/ Condensed Milk (4) 蒸螺絲卷
3.95 $
Steamed Vegetable & Egg Dumpling (8) 花素蒸餃
8.95 $
Beef / 牛
Pan-Fried Garlic Beef Steak 蒜香菲力
16.95 $
Stir-Fried Shredded Beef & Green Onion with Soy Sauce 蔥爆牛肉
14.95 $
Ancient Boiled Chili Beef 水煮牛
17.95 $
Pan-Fried Beef with Gai-Lan 芥蘭牛肉
15.95 $
Chicken & Duck / 雞鴨
Simmer Chicken with Basil in Triple Sauce 三杯雞
16.95 $
Gongbao Chicken 宮保雞丁
17.95 $
Salted Free Range Chicken with Ginger & Green Onion Sauce (Cold) 鹽焗⾛地雞(冷)
17.95 $
Camphor & Tea Smoked Duck 樟茶鴨
21.95 $
Simmer Chicken & Chestnuts in Brown Sauce 栗子雞煲
16.95 $
Chicken with House Chili Sauce & Peanuts (Cold) 口水雞(冷)
13.95 $
Cashew Nut Chicken 腰果雞丁
17.95 $
Deep-Fried Chicken with Sichuan Hot Pepper 山城辣子雞
17.95 $
Noodle / 麵
Shanghai Fried Noodles (Pork/Chicken) 上海粗炒麵 (豬) / (雞)
13.95 $
Noodle Soup with Beef & Beef Tendon 紅燒半筋半肉麵
Spicy (Cannot be Non-Spicy) 辣 (不能完全不辣)
11.95 $
Noodle Soup with Beef 紅燒牛肉麵
Spicy (Cannot be Non-Spicy) 辣 (不能完全不辣)
10.95 $
Noodles with Homemade Meat Sauce / 炸醬麵
8.5 $
Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Pork & Vegetable 炒米粉
11.95 $
Stir-Fried Rice Cake Shanghai Style 上海炒年糕(豬/雞)
12.95 $
Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Pork Chop 上海排骨年糕
12.95 $
Fried Homemade Noodles with Seafood & Pork 海鮮粗炒麵
12.95 $
Seafood Fried Noodles 海鮮炒麵
12.95 $
Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Salted Vegetable & Pork or Chicken 雪菜炒年糕 (豬/雞))
12.95 $
Fried Noodles with Satay Beef 沙茶牛肉炒麵
12.95 $
Homemade Noodle with Mixed Vegetable 素什錦粗炒麵
11.95 $
Noodle Soup with Salted Vegetable & Pork 雪菜肉絲湯麵
8.95 $
Noodle Soup with Shanghai Style Pork Chop 上海大排麵
10.95 $
Noodles with Crab Meat & Shrimp Sauce 蟹黃蝦仁乾拌麵
11.5 $
Noodles with Green Onion Sauce 蔥油拌麵
7.95 $
Noodles with Minced Pork & Mushroom in Spicy Sauce 紹子麵
8.95 $
Noodles with Sesame & Peanuts in Spicy Sauce 擔擔麵
8.5 $
Rice Cake with Chinese Spinach & Pork / Chicken 薺菜炒年糕(豬/雞)
12.95 $
Vegetable / 蔬菜
House Special Tofu on Iron Plate 鐵板豆腐
14.95 $
Simmer Napa Cabbage & Ham with Cream Sauce 奶油白菜
11.95 $
Simmer Assorted Vegetable & Fried Tofu 素什錦
15.95 $
Crispy Bean Curd with Special Dry Scallop Sauce 干貝腐皮卷
15.95 $
Stir-Fried Tofu with Pork & Bamboo Shoots 家常豆腐
14.95 $
Soft Tofu with House Blend Soy Sauce 紅燒豆腐
12.95 $
Soft Tofu with Shrimps 蝦仁豆腐
13.95 $
Stewed Eggplant with Shredded Pork in Hot Sauce 魚香茄子
14.95 $
Spicy String Beans with Minced Pork 乾扁四季豆
15.95 $
Bamboo Shoots with House Blend Soy Sauce 油悶竹筍
12.95 $
Egg Omelet with Pickles 菜圃蛋
10.5 $
Eggplant with Shredded Pork in Hakka Sauce 客家茄子
14.95 $
Gai-Lan with Garlic 蒜炒芥蘭
12.95 $
Peatips with Garlic 蒜炒豆苗
19.95 $
Soft Tofu with Crab Meat Sauce 蟹黃豆腐
14.95 $
Soft Tofu with Spicy Meat Sauce 麻婆豆腐
13.95 $
Pork / 豬
Stewed Pork Belly with Tofu & Egg 私房紅燒肉
18.95 $
Chinese Meat Balls with Chinese Cabbages & Bamboo Shoots 紅燒獅子頭
16.95 $
Stewed Pork in Brown Sauce & Steamed Buns (Large) 東坡肉+荷葉夾 (大)
8 pcs
17.95 $
Stewed Pork in Brown Sauce & Steamed Buns (Small) 東坡肉+荷葉夾 (小)
4 pcs
9.5 $
Wok Fried Spareribs with Salt & Hot Pepper 椒鹽排骨
15.95 $
Sweet & Sour Spareribs with Sesame Seed & Pine Nuts 鎮江骨
16.95 $
Sweet & Sour Spareribs with Bell Peppers & Onion 糖醋排骨
15.95 $
Hakka Style Shredded Pork with Dried Squids & Onion 客家小炒
15.95 $
Stir Fried Salted Vegetables with Pork & Green Beans 雪菜肉絲炒毛豆
14.95 $
Stir Fried Spicy Shredded Pork 魚香肉絲
14.95 $
Shredded Pork & Bean Curd with Chili Pepper hredded Pork & Bean Curd with Chili Pepper 干絲肉絲
14.95 $
Shredded Pork HoiSin Sauce + Pancake 京醬肉絲+薄餅
17.95 $
Shredded Pork with Chili Pepper 紅椒肉絲
14.95 $
Shredded Pork with Cilantro and Onion 香根肉絲
14.95 $
Shredded Pork with Sliced Bean Curd & Celery 芹菜香干肉絲
14.95 $
Seafood / 海鮮
Scramble Eggs with Shrimps & Green Onion 蝦仁炒蛋
11.95 $
Pineapple Shrimps with Mayonnaise 鳳梨蝦球
17.95 $
Gongbao Shrimp 宮保蝦仁
18.95 $
Deep-Fried Shrimps with Salted Hot Pepper 椒鹽蝦
17.95 $
Spicy Shrimps with Peppercorn 干鍋蝦
18.95 $
Stir-Fried Shrimps with Carrots & Green Onions 清炒蝦仁
18.95 $
Tofu & Seafood in Crab Meat Sauce 蟹黃三寶
17.95 $
Stir Fried Clams with Spicy Soy Sauce 台式炒蜆
16.95 $
Ancient Boiled Chili Fish 水煮魚
18.95 $
Assorted Seafood Vermicelli 海鮮粉絲煲
18.95 $
Basa Fillet Topped with Egg White & Soy Bean Powder 豆酥蛋白龍利魚
16.95 $
Basa Fillet with House Special Chili Sauce 豆瓣魚片
16.95 $
Basa Fillet with Wine Sauce 糟溜魚片
16.95 $
Deep Fried Basa Fillet with Salt & Pepper
16.95 $
Gongbao Squid 宮保鮮魷
16.95 $
Simmer Squid with Basil in Triple Sauce 三杯中卷
15.95 $
Stir Fried Basa Fillet with Mushroom, Cabbage & Bamboo Shoots 碧綠魚片
16.95 $
Stir Fried Squid & Celery 西芹炒鮮魷
16.95 $
Sweet & Sour Fillet 糖醋魚片
16.95 $
Sweet & Sour Grouper with Pine Nuts 松鼠石斑魚
23.95 $
Drink / 飲料
Coka Cola / 可口可樂
2.5 $
Diet Coke / 健怡可樂
2.5 $
Sprite / 雪碧
2.5 $
Apple Sidra / 蘋果西打
2.5 $
Soup 湯
Hot & Sour Soup (Large) 酸辣湯 (大)
8.95 $
Hot & Sour Soup (Small) 酸辣湯(小)
Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
4.95 $
Shrimp & Pork Wonton Soup 蝦肉餛飩湯
8.5 $
Fish Maw Soup with Chives 韭黃魚羹
9.5 $
Chicken Soup with Bitter Melon & Pineapples 苦瓜鳳梨雞湯
1-ppl serving 1 人份
5.5 $
Sparerib Soup with Lotus Seeds & Winter Melon 蓮子冬瓜排骨湯
1-ppl serving 1人份
5.5 $
Chinese Spinach with Tofu & Shredded Pork 薺菜肉絲豆腐羹
8.95 $
Corn Soup with Diced Chicken 雞茸玉米羹
8.95 $
Tofu Soup with Minced Beef & Cilantro 西湖牛肉羹
8.95 $
Soup with Salted Pork Belly, Bamboo Shoots & Tofu Sheets 老上海醃篤鮮
8-ppl serving 8人份
23.95 $
Chicken Soup with Pork & Vegetable Wontons 砂鍋餛飩雞湯
8-ppl serving 8 人份
23.95 $
Vegetable & Pork Wonton Soup 菜肉餛飩湯
8.5 $
Dessert 甜點
Fermented Rice Soup with Glutinous Rice Balls 桂花酒釀圓子
Sharing Portion
8.95 $
Malay Sponge Cake 馬來糕
3.95 $
Red Bean Paste Glutinous Rice with Assorted Nuts 八寶飯
8.5 $
Red Bean Paste Pancake 豆沙鍋餅
8.95 $
Steamed Chocolate & Red Bean Paste Dumplings 巧克力豆沙小包
5.95 $
Steamed Mashed Taro Buns 芋泥包
4.5 $
Steamed Red Bean Paste Buns 豆沙包
4.5 $
Steamed Red Bean Sponge Cake (1 slice) 紅豆鬆糕 (1小片)
2.95 $
Steamed Red Bean Sponge Cake (Full) 紅豆鬆糕 (1整塊)
22.95 $
Steamed Salted Egg & Condensed Milk Buns 奶黃包
4.5 $
Steamed Sesame Paste Buns 芝麻包
4.5 $
Sweet White Jelly Fungus Soup with Logan & Red Dates (Cold) 桂圓紅棗銀耳湯
1-ppl Serving (Cold )
4.5 $
Breakfast 早餐
Chinese Fried Donuts Wrapped in Egg Pancake 油條蛋餅
4.5 $
Chinese Fried Donuts 油條
2.95 $
Egg Pancake 蛋餅
3.95 $
Hot SoyBean Milk (Sweet) 熱甜豆漿
3.25 $
Noodle Soup with Chicken & Vegetables 嫩雞燴麵
Noodles & Soup are cooked together, cannot be separated 麵&湯是一起煮的, 無法分湯
8.95 $
Rice Porridge with Fish & Vegetables 鮮魚泡飯
8.95 $
Salty Glutinous Rice Roll 鹹粢飯
4.95 $
Sesame Seed Cake with Chinese Fried Donuts 燒餅油條
4.95 $
Sesame Seed Cake with Fried Eggs 燒餅夾蛋
4.5 $
Shanghai Fried Noodles with Black Fungus & Egg 上海木須粗炒麵
12.95 $
Shanghai Noodle Soup with Pork 上海粗湯麵
Noodles & Soup are cooked together, cannot be separated. 麵&湯是一起煮的, 無法分湯
9.5 $
Steamed Pork Buns 鮮肉包
4.25 $
Stir Fried Pancake with Black Fungus & Egg 木須炒餅
11.95 $
Stir Fried Radish Cake with XO Sauce XO醬炒蘿蔔糕
8.95 $
Sweet Glutinous Rice Roll 甜粢飯
Picture for reference only 照片僅供參考
4.95 $
Pancake 薄餅 (6pcs)
3.5 $
Plain Rice 白飯
Shell-Shaped Buns 荷葉夾